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7 Inspirational Quotes From Black Celebrity Women To Help You Level Up In 2020

It’s a new year, which means it’s time to dust off those goals you didn’t complete in 2019 and get to securing the bag. Or maybe you want to manifest your dream job, or dream mate. Whatever the goal, it may require some extra internal motivation to get you there.

ESSENCE spoke with so many powerful and inspirational women last year, each speaking their truths while speaking their minds. Whether it was sharing how they fell in love with someone else, or themselves, eachwoman gave an entire word fit for a preacher on Sunday morning.

To help us get right in 2020, here are our favorite inspirational quotes from ESSENCE interviews. We hope they bless you because they surely blessed us.

The post 7 Inspirational Quotes From Black Celebrity Women To Help You Level Up In 2020 appeared first on Essence.

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