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Derek Chauvin Verdict: Former Cop In Segregated Housing For ‘Safety,’ 3 Other Officers To Face Trial

As the silver handcuffs were placed on Derek Chauvin‘s wrists complimenting his gray suit, the former Minneapolis officer was quietly walked out of the courtroom to cheers and exclamations outside of the courtroom.

After over two weeks of testimony and a 10 hour jury deliberation, Chauvin was found unanimously guilty of all three charges: second-degree murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter.

The focus has and will always remain on the fact that Chauvin used the power of his badge to unmercifully kneel on the neck of George Floyd for almost nine minutes. Floyd is not a martyr for white guilt or awareness, his death signals a thunderous crack in the schism of America, the ramifications of slavery and systemic racism, coupled with overreaching disparities across health, education and access.

Many feel that Chauvin’s guilty verdict could launch massive reform in policing across the country, but with the simultaneous killing of 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant, there is undoubtedly more work left to do.

When will Chauvin be sentenced?:

Chauvin will face sentencing in about eight weeks, according to presiding Hennepin County Judge Peter Cahill who stated the timeline after he announced the guilty verdict. Chauvin was out on bail during the trial, but Cahill revoked his bail after the verdict reading.

Where is Chauvin imprisoned as he awaits sentencing?:

Chauvin is currently imprisoned at the Minnesota Correctional Facility-Oak Park Heights located in Stillwater, Minnesota until his sentencing, CNN reports. The facility is about 25 miles east of Minneapolis. Chauvin is housed in a unit that is segregated from the general population.

“He is on ‘administrative segregation’ status for his safety,” Minnesota Department of Corrections spokesperson Sarah Fitzgerald told CNN. “Administrative segregation is used when someone’s presence in the general population is a safety concern.”

How much time will Chauvin face?:

Unfortunately, the exact amount of time remains unknown until sentencing. Chauvin was found guilty on all three counts against him: second-degree murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter. Each charge carries a different maximum sentence.

Second-degree murder can result in a term as long as 40 years, while the maximum for third-degree murder is 25 years, and up to 10 years for manslaughter. Because Chauvin has no prior record, state laws require a presumptive sentence for each murder charge to be 12.5 years.

Based on Chauvin having no record, the judge could decide between 10-15 years for second and third-degree murder. In regards to second-degree manslaughter, someone with no record could face up to almost five years in prison.

Prosecutors have asked Judge Cahill to consider outlying factors for an increased sentence which include the argument that Floyd was treated with cruelty while particularly vulnerable, along with the fact that children witnessed the crimes committed.

Justice for George Floyd isn’t over:

Chauvin’s trial marked the end of the first trial concerning George Floyd’s murder, but there is another trial scheduled to begin in August. Officers Tou Thao, Thomas Lane and J. Alexander Keung will be tried on aiding and abetting second-degree murder and aiding and abetting second-degree manslaughter.  They face up to 40 years in prison if convicted. However sentencing guidelines could reduce the maximum to 15 years.


Civil Rights Leaders Cautiously Rejoice After Derek Chauvin Is Found Guilty Of Murder

Guilty On All Counts! Derek Chauvin Convicted Of Murder For Killing George Floyd

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