MoBetter News

Angela Washington Blasted West Point Consolidated School District Over Valedictorian and Salutatorian Debacle

Two Black teens, Ikeria Washington and Layla Temple, were initially named valedictorian and salutatorian of the 2021 graduating class at West Point High School South. On graduation day, the families of the two brilliant teens discovered that they had to share the spotlight with two white students– Dominic Borgioli and Emma Claire Berry.

Angela Washington, Ikeria’s mother, called a spade a spade. 

Via Facebook, Washington accused the superintendent of acquiescing to the white parent’s whining even though their children didn’t deserve the honor. She also added emphasized that Ikeria and Layla took harder classes than Borgioli and Berry.

According to WCBI News, the school’s handbook determined the valedictorian and salutatorian by GPA– which Borgioli and Berry did not have.

West Point Consolidated School administrators in West Point, Mississippi, basically invented a new two-point system to determine the additional recipients because Black excellence was too much for the racist school district.

“We apologize for any confusion and problems this has caused. The school district takes full responsibility for this misunderstanding,” the district said via statement.

The district has since deleted its Facebook page.



On Twitter, users sounded off about the district’s double standard. 


Although West Point Consolidated Schools tried to make an illogical situation logical, the community, social media users and Washington and Temple’s parents know that the district can’t put sh*t in a box and call it chocolate.

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