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Candace Owens Charged $30K For Republican Speaking Gig She Abruptly Reneged On: Report

Candace Owens recently reneged on a previous agreement to appear at an event on Juneteenth for a Republican group so that she could instead attend a birthday party for the wife of a country music singer who once wore blackface for Halloween while purportedly dressing up as a rapper.

She blamed it all on being the mother of an infant, but a closer look into the details suggests there may be much more to it.

MORE: Every Receipt Proving Candace Owens Is A Con Artist Who Is Following The Money

It was the latest evidence that Owens, a prominent conservative grifter whose selectively timed anti-Black schtick has made her a permanent fixture in the proverbial sunken place, cares more about her personal gain than she does for the revered Republican Party to which she has repeatedly sworn allegiance.

Source: Jason Davis / Getty

Case in point: According to local news outlet the Spectrum, Owens — who announced she gave birth to a boy in January — contractually agreed in February to be paid $30,000 to speak at a fundraiser that was held by the Washington County Republican Party (WCRP) this past Saturday in St. George, Utah. Both sides had been negotiating the terms for a full year.

Three months later in May, Owens’ manager abruptly asked WCRP Chairwoman Lesa Sandberg to cancel the appearance.

“Hi [Sandberg], hope your week is going well,” Owens’ manager Gina Florio wrote. “So sorry to have to do this but [Owens] isn’t going to be able to do this event on June 19 she has been struggling with several of her past events because of her rigorous breastfeeding and pumping schedule.”

Florio added, “St. George is so far away that we can’t find reasonable commercial flights that allows [sic] her to maintain her pumping schedule and get home soon enough. She sends her deepest apologies and hopefully we can work something out in the future.”

On the surface, that actually sounds like quite a reasonable and valid request.

But, as we know, Owens is sunken well beneath any surface, and soon her manager was instead offering Sandberg an ultimatum that included the demand of Owens flying to St. George after all … on the condition that WCRP charter a private jet from Nashville, where Owens lives, straight to St. George.

By that point, though, WCRP had already paid for Owens’ travel expenses and accommodations after telling Florio in April that the event had been sold out. A charter jet proved to be too expensive for the Republican group.

“Nothing we offered was good enough for her short of that chartered flight,” Sandberg said.

WCRP ended up losing the money it spent on Owens’ travel and was forced to fork over about $17,000 in refunds after people began canceling their reservations for the event.

A potential legal battle is looming as Sandberg said WCRP had already paid for a number of non-refundable purchases, including plane tickets. Owens’ camp said she was never paid a dime and never signed a contract and severed ties with WCRP after legal action was threatened.

Either way, her last-second cancellation left the door open for Owens to go to country music singer Jason Aldean‘s house to celebrate his wife’s birthday. An appearance that, if WCRP’s claims are true, suggests she probably collected (or, at least, tried to collect) a handsome dowry for making.

Aldean, as some might remember, went viral for all the wrong reasons in 2015 when photos circulated on social media showing him in blackface in a Halloween costume he said was supposed to be rapper Lil Wayne. His wife was pictured beside him wearing an apparent street gang outfit with culturally appropriated braids.

In other words, Owens’ grift was accomplished, and then some.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

This is America.


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