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Rep. Ayanna Pressley Moves To Strip Rep. Lauren Boebert Of Committee Assignments For Being A Raging Islamaphobe

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Source: Jemal Countess / Getty

Like the other members of “The Squad,” Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) stays letting it be known that she is not one of these Democratic lawmakers who are timid when it comes to calling out and taking action against the loud and proud GOP bigots who woo their equally bigoted constituents by turning their political platforms into MAGA-fied Klan rallies. So it should come as no surprise that Pressley is not out here playing with blatantly Islamaphobic congresswomanand Dollar Store Sarah PalinRep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.), who has, frankly, been letting Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and her Muslim ways live in her white nationalist head rent-free for months.

In the last month alone, Boebert has repeatedly referred to Omar as a “Jihad squad” member and implied that because of her Muslim-ness she’s a potential suicide bomber. In fact, late last month, a video surfaced that showed Boebert in September speaking to a crowd of right-wingers and fabricating a story about Omar getting into an elevator with her prompting concerns from a security guard who Boebert claimed she calmed down by saying, “She (Omar) doesn’t have a backpack, she wasn’t dropping it and running so we’re good.” And it’s that video, among other caucasified offenses, that has Pressley planning to introduce a resolution to strip Boebert of her committee assignments just as Democrats did with Marjorie Taylor Greene earlier this year because she too is a witless, bigoted, Islamaphobic KK-Karen who never met a QMoran conspiracy theory she didn’t want to hump and add to her neo-Nazi spank bank.

According to the Washington Post, Pressley is expected to introduce the resolution Wednesday, and nearly a dozen House Democrats—including Reps. Jamaal Bowman (N.Y.), Cori Bush (Mo.), Judy Chu (Calif.), Jesús “Chuy” García (Ill.), Jimmy Gomez (Calif.), Pramila Jayapal (Wash.), Barbara Lee (Calif.) and fellow Squad members Rashida Tlaib (Mich.) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.)—have hopped aboard the “this white lady is crazy” train and co-sponsored the resolution. 

“For a Member of Congress to repeatedly use hateful, anti-Muslim rhetoric and Islamophobic tropes towards a Muslim colleague is dangerous,” Pressley said in a statement. “It has no place in our society and it diminishes the honor of the institution we serve in. Without meaningful accountability for that member’s actions, we risk normalizing this behavior and endangering the lives of our Muslim colleagues, Muslim staffers and every Muslim who calls America home. The House must unequivocally condemn this incendiary rhetoric and immediately pass this resolution. How we respond in moments like these will have lasting impacts, and history will remember us for it.”

I mean, if we’re keeping it a buck, the fight against the normalization of bigotry and Islamaphobia in the GOP has been a wash since even before Orange Jussolini was elected to be the nation’s 45th president. That ship has been sailed and it probably had slaves on it.

Pressley is right about the danger Boebert’s rhetoric and demonstrable lies pose to Muslims (and non-white people in general for that matter) though. In fact, just last week, Omar shared a death threat she received via voicemail that was clearly prompted by Boebert’s existence on the “I heart Muslim hate” soapbox.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday, MSNBC revealed yet another video that shows Boebert calling Omar a “terrorist” and accusing her of praising terrorists.

“This is why so many Muslims across the country have reached out to our office and to other members of Congress because they know when anti-Muslim hatred and Islamophobia isn’t addressed, it’s the Muslim community that ends up paying for it,” Omar told MSNBC host Joy Reid.



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