MoBetter News

5 Tips To Survive Your 9-5 With A Side Hustle

*Originally Published  Oct. 21, 2016

No matter where I am in my travels, there seems to be an ongoing buzz about entrepreneurship, side hustles, side businesses, and so on. The conversations are endless.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that nearly 7 million workers, or approximately 5% of the workforce, holds more than one job. While I am a staunch advocate for the creation of multiple streams of income, the reason why some entrepreneurs retain their nine-to-five as one of them varies from person to person. Many are waiting for their definition of “the right time” to make that leap from what may be their largest investor in their business, to full-time entrepreneurship.

While waiting for that right time, I offer the following five tips to protect your relationship with the current boss in preparation for becoming the future boss:

1. Know Your Restrictions

Familiarize yourself with the language in any employment agreements that you may have signed. Are you able to work a second job? If you are permitted to seek additional employment, are there any restrictions on the type of additional job you can work? Are there any restrictions on the type of company or industry with whom you can do business? When in doubt, seek legal advice and have copies of these documents available for review, if they exist.

2. Discretion Is Everything

Unless it is company policy to divulge such information, the entire world doesn’t need to know. Some people may be intimidated by your ambition, for example. You may give the impression that you are distracted by your personal goals and not focused on those of your employer. How visible on social media is your business, if your employer conducts a search? In the event of a potential downsizing, you could very well be targeted, if it is assumed that you aren’t a committed employee and already have one foot out of the door.

3. Side Means Side

Sideline your personal business matters during your company’s hours of operation. No visible side business activities should be occurring in the workplace. Reserve this activity for before and after work and during your lunch breaks. You’re being paid to do their work for now. Don’t give someone without a dream an opportunity to negatively affect yours.

4. Beware of Burnout

Don’t allow your personal appearance or your performance to slip. The effects of your midnight personal grind should not be noticeable to your co-workers. Self-care is a must.

5. Hands Off!

Dr. Lee, faculty

What’s theirs is theirs, not yours. Avoid using company resources for your business. This includes phones (especially for international calls), copiers, papers, supplies, and so on.  In most companies, this is considered theft and is grounds for termination.

The goal is to retain your nine-to-five investor for now. They’re funding your next phenomenal dream business. Do not relinquish that control, until you are ready to exit on your terms—and not a day sooner.

RELATED CONTENT: Life After 9-5: Transitioning From Your Career to Your Calling

Jacqueline Miller is a speaker, author, and life strategist empowering mothers to reconnect with their pre-mom dreams, guilt-free. She provides clarity and strategies for successfully managing their careers, family, relationships, finances, time, and self-care. Learn more about Jacqueline via her website at and follow her on X/Twitter, @mogulmomdujour.

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