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Black Women Really Hate Trump, According To The Latest Poll

President Donald Trump is an unapologetic racist from his policies to his rhetoric. Black women clearly get the memo. On the other hand, Black men appear to be supporting him more than the should.

See Also: Canceled! Millennials Pick Obama As Best President Over Trash-Talking Trump

According to a new CNN poll, Trump approval rating among Black women is three precent. Who knows who these 3% are, maybe Diamond and Silk and Candace Owens.

However, that same CNN poll has Trump at an approval of 15% from Black men. The number is scary and as political strategist Dr. Jason Johnson wrote, “Y’all realize if Trump keeps %15 of black men in 2020 he probably gets re-elected right?”

In October, conservative-leaning Rasmussen Reports claimed that 35 percent of African-Americans approve of President Donald Trump, claiming Trump’s overall approval rating at 51 percent among likely voters.” Rasmussen raised eyebrows in August of 2018 when its polling first suggested that there was an increase of Black voter support for Trump. The Washington Post called that claim “far-fetched,” given the president’s long history of racial insensitivity. The newspaper pointed out that Gallup surveys have consistently polled African-American approval of Trump at around 10 percent through 2018.

Trump has consistently told lies about the impact of his administration on the Black community. Among his claims is that Black median income has reached a high point under his administration. That’s not true, according to the Associated Press. Census Bureau data shows that the median income in 2017 for an African-American household was $40,258. That’s below a 2000 peak of $42,348 and also statistically no better than 2016, which was President Barack Obama’s last year in office, the AP said.

That said, all is not lost. That Washing Post reports, “His approval rating now sits at 38 percent, a drop of 6 points since June. Approval of his handling of the economy has slipped 5 points, to 46 percent, with 47 percent disapproving.” also reports, “Six in 10 Americans say President Donald Trump does not deserve to be reelected… The 60% who say the President does not deserve to be reelected is similar to the 63% who felt that way in November 2017. That outpaces his most recent predecessors at a similar stage in their presidencies.”

Moreover, as we all know, it is all about the electoral college so nationwide polls don’t matter as much as state polls in Florida, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.


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