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Obama, Trump Tie For U.S. Citizens’ Most Admired Man

The evidence of a nation divided was clear in the latest Gallup poll, which showed that former President Barack Obama and President Donald Trump are currently tied for U.S. citizens’ most admired man, reports.

Respondents answered the question which man “living today in any part of the world” they most admired. This is Trump’s first time making the cut (with 18 percent of the vote) and Obama’s 12th (also with 18 percent of the vote).

The vote was split sharply along party lines, with 45 percent of Republicans selecting Trump for the recognition and 41 percent of Democrats choosing Obama.

Dwight Eisenhower is the only U.S. president other than Obama to achieve double digit support after leaving office. While Trump is more popular now at 45 percent approval than he was when he was elected, according to a December Gallup poll.

Senator Bernie Sanders, Bill Gates, Pope Francis, and the Dalai Lama also made the list, though no man other than the two presidents rose above 2 percent support.

Former First Lady Michelle Obama was U.S. citizens’ most admired woman for the second year in the row. She was the only woman to reach double digit support on a list that included First Lady Melania Trump, media mogul Oprah Winfrey, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Queen Elizabeth II.

The post Obama, Trump Tie For U.S. Citizens’ Most Admired Man appeared first on Essence.

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