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Trumpublicans Are Freaking Out And Blaming Each Other As Their Racist In Chief Faces Election Doom


Source: MANDEL NGAN / Getty

The clear and present existential threat to Donald Trump‘s presidency — you know, the legal votes cast in the 2020 election — has prompted some of the most loyal Republicans to freak out, panic and blame each other as their racist in chief claims without proof that he’s the victim of voting fraud.

While the lies spouted by Trump are nothing new to anyone who’s been paying attention, the public in-fighting displayed by Republicans loyal to Trump — henceforth known as Trumpublicans — hasn’t really been seen before; at least not on the scale that’s been unfolding since the counting of absentee ballots overnight into Thursday helped Joe Biden make up crucial ground in swing states that are expected to help him secure election victory.

Trump is reportedly very angry.


Source: SAUL LOEB / Getty

And the Trumpublicans are also bigly mad that their fellow Party members aren’t speaking out against the legal vote-counting happening in Georgia and Pennsylvania, in particular, as vehemently as the president has. However, in order for them to do that, they would also have to falsely accuse Democrats and be complicit in Trump’s stream of lies in a disingenuous effort to reframe the true narrative of the election.

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Source: Win McNamee / Getty

That’s apparently not something that Lindsay Graham is willing to do. Graham, of course, is the South Carolina senator who compromised his own dignity to blindly support Trump in any and every presidential endeavor for the past four years. He won his re-election bid Tuesday night likely on the strength of Trump’s support. But on Thursday, Trumpublicans were calling him out for remaining silent and not reciprocating that support, something that Trump’s namesake son — who earlier in the day called for “total war over the election” — tried to amplify on Twitter in an unsuccessful effort to shame Graham, who has repeatedly shown he is shameless.

Trump’s other adult son, Eric, got in on the act and challenged Trumpublicans to show “some backbone” and “Fight against this fraud!” Eric Trump also threatened their political futures. “Our voters will never forget you,” he added in a warning that may not end up holding much weight.

At least one member of Trump’s cabinet read the writing on the wall and has all but said he’s about to quit. That’s right, Defense Secretary Mark Esper has reportedly prepared a letter of resignation, something that could prompt other top Trump advisers to take a similar route as the president warns of litigation that could draw out the election and delay Biden’s apparent inevitable election win.

But in the meantime, Trumpublicans are taking swipes at one another as Democrats present a united front against Trump.

It’s not just elected officials, either.

Terrence K. Williams, a comedian and renowned Trump-slurper who’s down with Candace Owens‘ sunken crew of young Black conservatives, tweeted a desperate video plea to his fellow Trumpublicans demanding they stand up for the president.

“Republicans are hiding in the basement when they should be helping President @realDonaldTrump save America,” Williams tweeted in part. Like Eric Trump, Williams suggested there would be repercussions at the polls for any elected Trumpublican who didn’t step up.

Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz — who has been accused of posting at least one racist tweet before — was one of the Trumpubicans who answered the call from the president’s minions. He did it by throwing one of his fellow Republicans directly under the election bus by reacting to a tweet that Nikki Haley used to promote America’s democratic process of counting votes in an election.

Gaetz claimed Haley — the former Trump-appointed U.S. Ambassador to the UN and former South Carolina governor — was “eulogizing” Trump by encouraging a free and open election without trying to sow the seeds of doubt into the vote-counting process.

“Sad!” he added in an obvious attempt to brown-nose and pay homage to Trump by using one of his favorite words he likes to tweet.

Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union that oversees the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), threatened Trumpublicans with the revocation of their standing invitations to the annual gathering of Republicans. He implored them to “get out now and defend the counting of every compliant ballot w full transparency.”

Nicholas Fuentes, a far-right pundit who was suspended by YouTube earlier this year for violating the video asocial media platform’s hate speech policy, seemingly combined all of the above sentiments and took it a step further by claiming Senate majority Leader Mitch McConnell — who also just won his re-election Tuesday — “BETRAYED our President” and said “we will never forget.”

Dorothy Fortenberry, a writer and producer for popular TV series, “The Handmaid’s Tale,” noticed the Trumpublican fray and tweeted that she always wondered what it would take for the president’s most ardent followers “to break with Trump.” She said, “we’re finally getting our answer.”

Meanwhile, Biden and his campaign have appealed for patience while all of the votes get counted.

This is America.


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