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African Nations: Learn More About Each Of The Continent’s 54 Countries

Map of Africa

Source: Sepia Times / Getty

May 25th marked World Africa Day! Did you know there are 54 countries that make up the continent of Africa? Yes, each of these countries has its own history and culture that continue to change the world every day.

Below you will see a brief overview of each country and links to learn more about the entertainment, languages, food and so much more!

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Cabo Verde

Cabo Verde aka Cape Verde is pronounced kaa·bow vehr·day” and is one of the 6 island nations in Western Africa. The name Cabo Verde means “green cape.” This country consists of 10 islands and gained its independence on July 5, 1975, from Portugal.

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Comoros is pronounced kaa·mur·owz” and is one of the 6 island nations of Africa. The name Comoros is derived from the Arab word ‘kamar’ which means the moon. This country gained its independence on July 6, 1975, from France. This country is known as the perfume island.

CLICK HERE To Learn More About Cabo Verde’s Music, Food, Languages, Places To Visit and More!


Madagascar is pronounced ma·duh·ga·skaar” and is one of the six island nations of Africa. This country gained its independence on June 26, 1960, from France. This country is known for its lemurs which are primitive relatives of monkeys. Continue reading below to learn more about the beautiful African country, Madagascar.

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Mauritius is pronounced mur·i·shuhs” and is one of the 6 island nations of Africa. This country gained its independence on March 12, 1968, from Britain. Mauritius is an island nation known for its beaches, lagoons and reefs with over 700 species of indigenous plants. This country is ranked as one of the best beach and honeymoon locations in the world.

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São Tomé and Príncipe

The Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe is pronounced sow toe·may and prin·see·pay” and is one of the six island nations of Africa. This country is made of 2 islands; São Tomé received its name after being discovered by Portuguese explorers on St Thomas Day and Príncipe received its name as a shorter version of the original Portuguese name of “Ilha do Principe” which means Isle of the Prince. São Tomé and Príncipe gained their independence on July 12, 1975, from Portugal. This country is 2nd smallest African country and home to the world’s smallest bird, the ibis. It’s known as “The Africa Galápagos.”

CLICK HERE To Learn More About São Tomé and Príncipe’s Music, Food, Languages, Places To Visit and More!


Seychelles is pronounced say·shelz” and is one of the six island nations of Africa. This country is made up of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean. Seychelles was named after Jean Moreau de Séchelles, Louis XV‘s Minister of Finance, in 1756 when the French set a Stone of Possession on the islands Mahé. This country gained its independence on June 29, 1976, from the British and is known as “the land of perpetual summer.”

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Algeria is pronounced al·jee·ree·uh” and is one of the 6 countries located in North Africa. Algeria is the largest country in Africa and its name is derived from the name of the city of Algiers. This country gained its independence on July 5, 1962.

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Egypt is pronounced “ee·juhpt” and is one of the 6 countries located in North Africa. Egypt’s name means ‘Temple Of The Soul Of Ptah’ (Ptah is the creative god associated with Memphis, the ancient city of Egypt). This country gained its independence on February 28, 1922 from Britain. This country is known for having the oldest of all the pyramids, the Great Pyramid of Giza which is known for being one of the giant pyramids in the world.

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Libya is pronounced li·bee·uh” and is one of the 6 countries located in North Africa. The name Libya is derived from the Egyptian term Libu. This country gained its independence on December 24, 1951, from Italy. This country is known for containing some of the world’s most well-preserved ruins from ancient civilizations.

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Morocco is pronounced “mur·aa·co” and is one of the 6 countries located in North Africa. Morocco gained its independence on April 7, 1956, from France. This country was originally named Marrakesh from the Berber which means “land of God” or “sacred land”. This country is the home of the Sahara desert which is the world’s largest desert. Continue reading below to learn more about the beautiful African country of Morocco.

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Sudan aka North Sudan is pronounced “sue·dan” and is one of the 6 countries located in North Africa. Sudan’s name derives from the Arabic bilad al-sudan, which means “land of the blacks.” This country gained its independence on January 1, 1956, from the United Kingdom and Egypt.  As of 2012, according to the American Community Survey, there are 48,763 people of Sudanese descent living in the United States. Continue reading below to learn more about the beautiful African country, Sudan.

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Tunisia is pronounced too·nee·zhuh” and is one of the 6 countries located in North Africa. The name Tunisia means “to lay down” or “encampment”. This country gained its independence on March 20, 1956, from France and is known for its unique blend of Arab and Berber cultures and influence. According to the 2022 census, there are 24,735 Tunisian Americans in the United States.

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Burundi is pronounced buh·roon·dee” and is one of the 10 countries located in East Africa. Burundi is named after the King of Burundi, who ruled the region starting in the 16th century This country gained its independence on July 1, 1962. This country is known as “The Heart of Africa”.

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Djibouti is pronounced juh·boo·tee” and is one of the 10 countries located in East Africa. Djibouti means “boiling pot” in the Afar language based on its dry and hot weather all year. This country gained its independence on June 27, 1977, from France.

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Eritrea is pronounced “air·uh·tree·uh” and is one of the 10 countries located in East Africa. The name Eritrea derives from the Greek term Sinus Erythraeus, which means Red Sea. This country gained its independence on May 24, 1991, from Ethiopia. This country is known for having one of the oldest port cities in Africa.

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Ethiopia is pronounced ee·thee·ow·pee·uh” and is one of the 10 countries located in East Africa. It is said that the name Ethiopia derived from the Greek Αἰθιοπία Aithiopia which means “of burnt ( αιθ-) visage (ὄψ)”. Ethiopia is the oldest independent country in Africa and one of the oldest in the world. This country is the birthplace of coffee.

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Kenya is pronounced ken·yuh” and is one of the 10 countries located in East Africa. This country is named after Mount Kenya or ‘Kirinyaga‘, the ‘Mountain of Whiteness’. Kenya gained its independence on December 12, 1963, from Britain. This country is known for being the world’s best safari destination.

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Rwanda is pronounced ruh·waan·duh” and is one of the 10 countries located in East Africa. This country gained its independence on July 1, 1962. This country is known as ‘The Land of a Thousand Hills‘. Continue reading below to learn more about the beautiful African country of Rwanda.

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Somalia is pronounced sow·maa·lee·uh” and is one of the 10 countries located in East Africa. The name Somalia comes from the indigenous Somali people. This country gained its independence on July 1, 1960, and is known as the ‘Horn of Africa’. As of 2022, there are about 300,000 people from Somalia that live in the United States according to VOA.

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South Sudan

South Sudan is pronounced sowth soo·dan” and is one of the 10 countries located in East Africa. It is one of the newest countries in Africa receiving its name after its independence from Sudan. The name Sudan is derived from the Arabic bilad al-sudan, which means “land of the blacks.” This country gained its independence on July 9, 2011, from Sudan. As of 2007, according to former Ambassador Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth, there are over 100,000 people of South Sudan descent living in the United States. Continue reading below to learn more about the beautiful African country, South Sudan.

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Tanzania is pronounced tan·zuh·nee·uh” or “tan·zawn·yuh and is one of the 10 countries located in East Africa. This country’s name is a combination of the first letters of Tanganyika and Zanzibar, which are the two states that merged to form Tanzania in 1964. This country gained its independence on December 9, 1961. As of 2020, there are about 73,000 people of Tanzanian descent that live in the United States.

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Uganda is pronounced you·gaan·duh” and and is one of the 10 countries located in East Africa. Uganda got its name from the Buganda kingdom. This country gained its independence on October 9, 1962, from England and is known as ‘The Pearl of Africa’. As of 2014, there are 20,248 Ugandan Americans in the United States.

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Angola is pronounced ang·gow·luh” and is one of the nine countries located in Central Africa. This country gained its independence on November 11, 1975, from Portugal.

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Cameroon is pronounced ka·mur·oon” and is one of the nine countries located in Central Africa. It has the longest-ruling leader, Paul Biya. Cameroon was named by Portuguese explorers for the Rio dos Camarões (‘River of Prawns’). This country gained its independence on October 1, 1961, from France.

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Central African Republic

Central African Republic is pronounced sen·truhl a·fruh·kuhn ruh·puh·bluhk” and is one of the nine countries located in Central Africa. This country gained its independence on August 13, 1960. This country is known to have the world’s second-largest rainforest, the Congo Basin and home to the ethnic group of the PeeWee People. The PeeWee People are known for their short stature typically under 5 feet tall.

CLICK HERE To Learn More About Central African Republic’s Music, Food, Languages, Places To Visit and More!


Chad is pronounced “ch·ad” and and is one of the nine countries located in Central Africa. The largest landlocked country in Africa. This country gained its independence on August 11, 1960. This country was named after Lake Chad.

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Republic of the Congo

Republic of the Congo aka Congo is pronounced kaang·gow” and is one of the nine countries located in Central Africa. The name Congo is from the Congo River which derived from Kongo, a Bantu kingdom that got its name from its people, the Bakongo (hunters). This country gained its independence in 1960 from France. This country is also known as Middle Congo, Congo-Brazzaville, and Congo.

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Democratic Republic of the Congo

Democratic Republic of the Congo aka DR Congo is pronounced kaang·gow” and is one of the nine countries located in Central Africa. DR Congo is the second-largest country in Africa after Algeria. The name Congo is from the Congo River which derived from Kongo, a Bantu kingdom that got its name from its people, the Bakongo (hunters). This country gained its independence on June 30, 1960, from Belgium.

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Equatorial Guinea

Equatorial Guinea is pronounced eh·kwuh·taw·ree·uhl gi·nee” and is one of the 9 countries located in Central Africa. Equatorial Guinea was formally Spanish Guinea. This country is along the Gulf of Guinea in the Guinea region of West Africa and lies right above the Equator, which is what “equatorial” refers to. This country gained its independence on October 12, 1968, from Spain. Equatorial Guinea is the only African country with Spanish as its official language.

CLICK HERE To Learn More About Equatorial Guinea‘s Music, Food, Languages, Places To Visit and More!


Gabon is pronounced ga·bone” and and is one of the nine countries located in Central Africa. Gabon was named after the Portuguese word gabão and this country’s official name is the Gabonese Republic. This country gained its independence on August 17, 1960, from France. In 2021 there were only 131 people from Gabon in the United States.

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Botswana is pronounced “baat·swaa·nuh” and is one of the nine countries located in Southern Africa. Botswana means “Land of the Tswana.” This country gained its independence on September 30, 1966. Botswana is known for being the home to the world’s largest concentration of African Elephants plus the world’s second-largest gem-quality diamond was discovered here in 2021.

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Eswatini aka Swaziland is pronounced eh·swaa·tea·nee” and is one of the nine countries located in Southern Africa. This country gained its independence on September 6, 1968, from Britain. The Kingdom of Eswatini is one of the three remaining kingdoms in the continent of Africa. This country is landlocked inside the country of South Africa.

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Lesotho is pronounced “luh·sue·too” and is landlocked in South Africa. Lesotho’s name means “land of the Sotho.” The Sotho people are a Bantu nation native to southern Africa, they are also known as the Basuto or Basotho. Lesotho gained its independence on October 4, 1966, from Great Britain. This country is one of the three remaining Kingdoms on the continent of Africa and is one of 3 enclaved countries in the world (Enclaved countries are those completely surrounded by another country’s land).

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Malawi is pronounced muh·laa·wee” and is one of the 13 countries located in Southern Africa. The name Malawi means “flaming waters” and was taken from a tribal word that described how rays of sun glinted off Lake Nyasa. This country gained its independence on July 6, 1964, from Britain. This country is known for Lake Malawi which is the home to the largest number of fish species of any lake in the world.

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Mozambique is pronounced mow·zam·beek” and is one of the 9 countries located in Southern Africa. This country’s original name by the Portuguese was Moçambique after the Island of Mozambique. It derived from Mussa Bin Bique or Mussa Ibn Malik who was an Arab trader who allegedly first visited the island. This country gained its independence on June 25, 1975 from Portugal.

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Namibia is pronounced nuh·mi·bee·uh” and is one of the nine countries located in Southern Africa. This country gained its independence on March 21, 1990, from South Africa. This country is known for one of the world’s most extensive meteorite showers. The Gibeon Meteorite Shower is the largest known meteorite shower on Earth. Continue reading below to learn more about the beautiful African country of Namibia.

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South Africa

South Africa is pronounced sowth a·fruh·kuh” and is one of the nine countries located in Southern Africa. This country got its name because of its location at the southern tip of Africa. This country is known for its abundant wildlife. According to the American Community Survey, as of 2021, there are 123,461 people from South Africa that live in the United States.

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Zambia is pronounced zam·bee·uh” and is one of the nine countries located in Southern Africa. The name Zambia is derived from the Zambezi River, which means “River of God.” This country gained its independence on October 24, 1964, from Britain.

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Zimbabwe is pronounced zim·baab·way” and is one of the nine countries located in Southern Africa. The name Zimbabwe means Great House of Stone. This country gained its independence on April 18, 1980, from Great Britain and is known as the “Jewel of Africa.” As of 2017, there are about 30,000 Zimbabweans that live in the United States.

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Benin is pronounced buh·neen” and is one of the 16 countries located in West Africa. This country gained its independence on August 1, 1960.

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Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso is pronounced bur·kee·nuh faa·sow” and is one of the 16 countries located in West Africa. The name Burkina Faso means “Land of Incorruptible People.” This country gained its independence on August 5, 1960.

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Côte d’Ivoire

Côte d’Ivoire aka Ivory Coast is pronounced “coat dee·vwaar” and is one of the 16 countries located in West Africa. This country gained its independence on August 7, 1960, from France. This country is known for being the world’s top exporter of cocoa and raw cashew nuts.

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The Gambia

The Gambia is pronounced “gam·bee·uh” and is one of the 16 countries located in West Africa. The Gambia was named after The River Gambia. This country gained its independence on February 18, 1965, from Britain. This country is known as a birdwatcher’s paradise with over 500 species of birds that call The Gambia home.

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Ghana is pronounced gaa·nuh” and is one of the 16 countries located in West Africa. The name Ghana means “king.” This country gained its independence on March 6, 1957, from Britain. Ghana was the first sub-Saharan African country to gain independence from colonial rule. As of 2015, there are more than 235,000 people of Ghanian descent that live in the United States.

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Guinea is pronounced gi·nee” and is one of the 16 countries located in West Africa. Guinea means “land of the blacks.” This country gained its independence on October 2, 1958, from France.

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Guinea-Bissau is pronounced gi·nee buh·sau” and is one of the 16 countries located in West Africa. The name Guinea means “the land of the blacks” and “Bissau” is the name of the capital. Guinea-Bissau gained its independence on September 24, 1973, from Portugal. This country is known as one of the top cashew producers in the world.

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Liberia is pronounced “lai·bee·ree·uh“ and is one of the 16 countries located in West Africa. This country gained its independence on July 26, 1847, from the American Colonization Society. Liberia has never been subjected to colonial rule and is Africa’s oldest republic. Its name means “land of freedom” referring to its settlement in the early 1800s by freeborn and former enslaved Black Americans.

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Mali is pronounced maa·lee” and is one of the 16 countries located in West Africa. Mali is named after the Mali Empire and means “the place where the king lives.” This country gained its independence on September 22, 1960, from France.

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Mauritania is pronounced more·uh·tay·nee·uh” and is one of the 16 countries located in West Africa. This country gained its independence on November 28, 1960, from France. Mauritania was the last country in the world to abolish slavery in 1981. The name Mauritania is derived from the Latin word Mauretania which means “west.”

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Niger is pronounced n·eye·jer” and is one of the 16 countries located in West Africa. Niger was named after the Niger River that flows through the country and means “flowing water” in Tuareg n’eghirren. This country gained its independence on August 3, 1960, from France. Niger is home to the largest protected area in Africa.

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Nigeria is pronounced nai·jee·ree·uh” and is one of the 16 countries located in West Africa. The name Nigeria is taken from the Niger River running through the country. This country gained its independence on Oct. 1, 1960, from Britain. This country is known as the “Giant of Africa”. As of 2016, according to the American Community Survey, there were about 380,785 people of Nigerian descent that live in the United States.

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Sengal/Sénégal is pronounced seh·nuh·gaal” and is one of the 16 countries located in West Africa. Sénégal’s Independence Day is August 20, 1960. As of 2019, there are 18,091 people from Senegal that live in the United States.

CLICK HERE To Learn More About Senegal’s Music, Food, Languages, Places To Visit and More!

Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone is pronounced see·eh·ruh lee·own” and is one of the 16 countries located in West Africa. The name Sierra Leone means “lion mountains”. This country gained its independence on April 27, 1961, from Britain. According to American Community Survey, there are 34,161 people from Sierra Leone that live in the United States.

CLICK HERE To Learn More About Sierra Leone’s Music, Food, Languages, Places To Visit and More!


Togo is pronounced toe·go” and is one of the 16 countries located in West Africa. The name Togo is translated from the Ewe language as “behind the river”. This country gained its independence on April 27, 1960, from France and is known as the “land where lagoons lie”. According to the 2021 census, there are around 16,000 Togolese-born individuals that live in the United States.

CLICK HERE To Learn More About Togo’s Music, Food, Languages, Places To Visit and More!



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