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After Republican Fearmongering, Michelle Obama’s Office Says She’s Not Running For President In 2024


Source: COREY SIPKIN / Gett

On Tuesday, the office of former First Lady Michelle Obama made an announcement that is sure to shock voters, pundits and legislators across America:

Michele Obama will not be running for president in 2024.

(NewsOne would like to apologize to anyone who wasn’t sitting down when they read the above statement, and we hope no one was injured due to their state of shock.)

Now, some of you are not currently clutching your pearls and trying to re-stabilize yourselves after learning that no new Obama presidential campaign is on the horizon, and you may have a few questions:

Why is Michelle Obama announcing that she’s not running? Hasn’t she already said multiple times that she’s not running? Is Hillary Clinton also about to announce that she is not running for president? What about Kanye West?

We’ll get to why Obama’s office felt compelled to make the announcement in a second.

“As former First Lady Michelle Obama has expressed several times over the years, she will not be running for president,” Crystal Carson, Obama’s director of communications, said in a statement to NBC News. “Mrs. Obama supports President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’ reelection campaign.”

For months, Republicans have been expressing their paranoia that Obama is going to replace Biden as the Democratic nominee for president in 2024. To be fair, NBC noted that Democrats have been looking to her to play a bigger role in Biden’s bid for reelection, and there have reportedly been rumors around the Democratic camp that the former first lady might be eyeing the Oval Office, but it is conservative pundits and former Republican legislators that have been obsessed with the possibility of Obama showing up as a surprise candidate to take on the MAGA overlord—or whatever bootleg Game of Thrones scenario they have in their heads as they ignore the fact that Michelle has repeatedly said it is not going to happen.

Just last week, former GOP House Speaker Newt Gingrich had a whole discussion with Fox News’ most disposable bobblehead, Sean Hannity, about how Obama is too “racially intense” to run a successful presidential campaign and that the Obamas would have to explain why they’re so rich while trying to appeal to the common man—which Gingrich said without catching a whiff of his own Donald Trump-supporting hypocrisy. (Could it be that Gingrich is just racist? Nah, that would be wild.)

Before Gingrich, former Fox News host Megyn Kelly sat down with Newsmax’s Eric Bolling so the two could construct an entire imaginary world where Obama was running for president, exciting Democrats who think she’s their “savior,” and pissing off Republican voters by playing the race card, all while secretly running the Biden administration from behind the scenes.

Yes, imaginary Michelle Obama was a very busy imaginary presidential candidate-slash-imaginary dictator to Kelly’s imaginary recollection.

Anyway, perhaps they can all put their minds at ease now that Obama’s office has officially announced her non-candidacy.

Honestly, she would’ve made a great president, though.


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