MoBetter News

Black Folks Are Over-Policed And Undervalued Even During A Pandemic

The data that Black people are not being tested even when they have COVID-19 symptoms—and are also dying in their homes without access to testing or treatment—is clear. The data that Black people are essential to the economy and survival of the United States is clear. The data that, despite these facts, many Black people are unable to walk around their neighborhoods without fear of detainment and arrest solely because they’re Black, is clear.

Rationing of ventilators is based upon who is deemed critical to save. Freedom to protest or go to the park to get some sun while practicing social distancing is predicated on empathy. Ending the belief in a hierarchy in human value based upon skin color is the only way we will end health inequities and the over policing and undervaluing of Black folks.

Joia Crear Perry, MD, Principal at Health Equity Cypher, and L. Toni Lewis, MD, Principal at Health Equity Cypher, discuss in the video above.

ESSENCE is committed to bringing our audience the latest facts about COVID-19 (coronavirus). Our content team is closely monitoring the developing details surrounding the virus via official sources and health care experts, including the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Please continue to refresh ESSENCE’s informational hub for updates on COVID-19, as well as for tips on taking care of yourselves, your families and your communities.

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