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Blind Black Oxford University Student Manhandled By White Men And Then Suspended

Another disgusting video has gone viral of a disabled Black man being attacked. This time it was 25-year-old Ebenezer Azamati who is student at Oxford University in England.

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The incident happened on Oct. 17. Azamati arrived early, concerned the venue would not be accessible to the disabled, to reserve a seat to attend a debate at the Oxford Union about the UK government. Once the seat was reserved, he left to eat dinner at the school.

The Guardian reports, “When he returned before the start of the debate, Azamati was refused entry, but when a friend arrived to accompany him, he went inside and sat down. Shortly afterwards, security officials entered and appeared to manhandle him out of the building. His union card was confiscated and he was expelled from the union.”

The student was manhandled and dragged out of the venue by his ankles white men, one appearing to be a security guard. To make matters, Azamati’s Oxford Union membership was suspended for two terms. He was also charged with violent misconduct.

Azamati was accused by union president Brendan McGrath at a disciplinary committee meeting of behaving “violently by thrusting an arm out and using aggressive hand gestures as he was being removed from his seat.”

However, in an appeal hearing, a witness said, “Thirty seconds after he [Azamati] sat down, the security guard came in. Five seconds afterwards, he started touching Azamati, who was holding on to the bench. Thirty seconds later, they were dragging him by his ankles.”

See the video below:

The charges have since been dropped only after public outrage. The Oxford University Africa Society (OUAS) described the incident as “violent, unjust, inhumane and shameful.”

OUAS also stated,  “Even if he had re-entered when the debate had started, such poor treatment through violent means remains unjustifiable.” They are demanding that McGrath resign and that Azamati’s union membership be reinstatement. Nwamaka Ogbonna, OUAS president, also said, “We have yet to see a public apology from the union or from Brendan McGrath. There have been no details of how the union will be held to account, no details on compensation, and he [McGrath] is yet to resign.”

Oxford University released the following statement, “We share the widespread outrage regarding the unacceptable treatment of Ebenezer Azamati, a member of our University community, at the Oxford Union. Ebenezer’s college and the University are working to fully support him.”

Different country, same madness.


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