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Father Slams Knee-On-Neck Arrest Of His Son As Video Is Compared To George Floyd

Handcuffed man


A video has surfaced of a Florida arrest that is chillingly similar to the arrest that led to George Floyd‘s death in Minneapolis.

According to the Herald-Tribune, Rayheem Moore is bringing attention to the arrest of his son Patrick Carroll. Moore says that “substantial” pressure was put on his son’s neck by a Sarasota cop’s knee during an arrest that occurred last month.

To make things worse, Moore said his son is asthmatic and a request for medical attention was denied in jail. The family is now seeking legal counsel for the matter.

The unidentified officer was caught in graphic ariel footage and cell phone footage with his knee pinned to Carroll’s neck. He has been placed on administrative leave and Chief Bernadette DiPino said an investigation has begun. In a statement, the police department said the technique is “not taught, used or advocated by our agency.”


The arrest occurred on May 18 in Sarasota when Carroll was charged with domestic violence and battery. The incident happened one week prior to the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis where fired officer Derek Chauvin placed his knee on Floyd’s neck during an arrest while he yelled, “I can’t breathe.” Chauvin and the three officers involved have since been fired and arrested with Chauvin facing second-degree murder charges.

With Carroll’s case, officers Wicinski, Stanaland, and Martinez responded to an incident on Dixie Avenue in Sarasota and the police report doesn’t mention an officer using a knee on Carroll’s neck during the arrest. According to the department, Carroll also didn’t need medical attention, nor did he complain about injuries, which the family disputes. The police report says “minor force was used to escort subject to the ground and secure him long enough to calm down.” According to the Herald-Tribune, Carroll was then handcuffed and attempted to pull away, refusing to be placed in the police vehicle.

Moore was outraged by the way the situation was handled.

“The man is a big guy and my son is on the ground and his weight is on the back of my son’s neck,” Moore said of the officer. “As you can tell from the conversation (in the video) he says, ‘I can’t breathe.’”

“It’s unjust,” Moore continued. “There are procedures that the police must follow. You do not put your knee on someone’s neck while he is on the ground, flat-faced down, and then turn around and say he is going to ask him questions and if he doesn’t reply he is going to spray him.”

Carroll’s mother, Terria Carroll, also spoke with the media before she engaged in a somewhat heated conversation with two detectives, away from the media, according to the Herald-Tribune.

“We want the officers to understand if you are out here to protect and serve, then protect and serve,” Terria said. “Because that wasn’t protecting, and I don’t know what they served but now we have a problem and I want answers.”

Since George Floyd’s May 25th death, folks have been protesting across the country about police violence and cops’ use of excessive force. Moore couldn’t help but notice the similarities between his son’s arrest and how Floyd was arrested.

“The same technique that was used upon that individual is the same technique they used upon my son and it’s unjust,″ Moore said.


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