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From Trayvon Martin To Naomi Osaka: Megyn Kelly’s Top Racist Moments

UPDATED: 7:00 p.m. ET, July 19, 2021

Originally published: Jan. 12, 2019

Megyn Kelly is back in the news again for all the wrong reasons.

The one-time TV host-turned disgraced, conservative social media troll has already been outed as all but a white supremacist, what with her privileged views on blackface. But now, Kelly has turned her clear anti-Black agenda in the direction of Naomi Osaka by mocking the young tennis star’s stated issues with anxiety to supposedly catch her in some nonexistent double standard about the media.

Kelly’s end-game to her social media attacks on Osaka was unclear, but Osaka made it very clear what she would do: block Kelly on social media.

See Also: The Legendary Al Roker Lays Into The Clueless Megyn Kelly On Race

Don’t believe she’s a dangerous, racist demagogue? Here are her greatest hits:

1. Naomi Osaka

The mostly one-sided brief back-and-forth started when Kelly sneak attacked Osaka and tried to call her out for appearing on the cover of Sports Illustrated’s annual swimsuit issue. Osaka had previously announced she was taking a break from the press to prioritize her mental health, so Kelly, grasping for some kind of “gotcha” moment, tweeted that the tennis star was a hypocrite for appearing on the magazine’s cover.

Osaka, ever the ready, returned Kelly’s weak serve with a monster forehand of a response that legitimately questioned Kelly’s journalistic acumen in field she’s worked in for nearly 20 years.

“Seeing as you’re a journalist I would’ve assumed you would take the time to research what the lead times are for magazines, if you did that you would’ve found out I shot all of my covers last year,” Osaka said in a since-deleted tweet. “Instead your first reaction is to hop on here and spew negativity, do better Megan.”

2. Michael Brown

During an exchange with Malik Shabazz, president of Black Lawyers For Justice, she claimed Michael Brown “was unarmed until he tried to steal the cop’s gun.” How sad that she immediately believed the officer, who killed a teenager. Watch at 1:41-1:43.

3. Santa And Jesus Are White

She infamously took issue with the idea that a fictional character could be adapted to fit the needs of children of all races: “For all you kids watching at home, Santa just is white…Just because it makes you feel uncomfortable doesn’t mean it has to change. Jesus was a white man, too.”

4. Sandra Bland had “a history of being suicidal”

When discussing Bland‘s death, Kelly was quick to believe reports that the young woman had taken her own life: “What we showed the audience tonight is that this woman has a history of being suicidal. The videotape of the jail cell does not show anybody going into the jail cell during the time she hanged herself.”

Click here to watch the commentary at 2:53-3:02.

About a thousand Black Lives Matter activists rally at the...

(Photo by Erik Mcgregor/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images)

5. No evidence of racism at McKinney, Texas pool assault

A viral video of former McKinney, Texas police officer, corporal Eric Casebolt, manhandling a Black teenage girl generated a vociferous public outcry over excessive force in communities of color. But Kelly questioned whether race was an issue in the officer’s handling of the incident. “What is the evidence it is a race thing as opposed to am excessive force thing? . . . The girl was no saint either. He had told her to leave and she continued to linger,” she said. Clearly, she has a history of blaming the victim.

Click here to watch the commentary at 2:41-2:42, 3:59-4:02.

National Organization For Women Responds To The McKinney Incident

Source: NewsOne Now Screenshot / NewsOne Now Screenshot

6. No problem with racist emails sent by Ferguson, Missouri employees

During a discussion with Wall Street Journal columnist Bret Stephens, Kelly “dismissed the Department of Justice (DOJ) report on Ferguson Police Department’s disproportionate targeting of blacks as a ‘case of bad apples,’” according to Media Matters. “Despite serious findings of racial bias and stereotyping in the department, Kelly called the report ‘problematic,’ arguing that ‘there are very few companies in America…[where]…you won’t find racist emails.’”

Ferguson, Missouri Marks One-Year Anniversary Of The Death Of Michael Brown

Source: Scott Olson / Getty

7. Believes “All Lives Matter” 

When TV host Stephen A. Smith apologized for his ‘all lives matter’ comment, Kelly weighed in to say that “his spine got up and walked out of his body…”

8. No empathy for Trayvon Martin‘s family

“Wow,” she said in response to the reaction of the teen’s father, Tracy Martin, to George Zimmerman‘s not guilty verdict. “They prosecuted him. Those prosecutors did their level best but they didn’t prove their case. I mean the jury saw it differently.” 

Megyn Kelly TODAY - Season 1

Source: NBC / Getty

It’s also worth nothing that her show was one of the platforms used by Zimmerman’s attorney, Mark O’Mara, to perpetuate the notion that the slain teen was a violent thug.

9. Criticized Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake’s “thugs” apology

Kelly took issue with Baltimore Mayor Rawlings-Blake‘s apology for calling protesters “thugs”: “You know ‘misguided young people’ is tough for the cops who found themselves being assaulted, one with a shattered kneecap, hundreds who are injured to swallow as they watched them burning people’s houses down.”

10. Calls for justice perpetuate culture of “victimhood”

She once claimed First Lady Michelle Obama and others who call for social justice are perpetuating a culture of victimhood, saying, “It takes away your power to send the message that you are a victim and you will remain a victim unless the man gets his foot off of your neck.”

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11. College Protesters Are “Spoiled”

Kelly also suggested that campus protests following unrest across the country were simply the work of spoiled, overly sensitive youth: “I love that utopia. It does not exist. Good luck getting rid of all of the bigotry. We’re just going to wipe the world…We’d love to, but it’s not reality.”

Watch at 9:18 to hear her comments.

12. Megyn Kelly Doesn’t Understand Why Blackface Is Offensive

In her most recent rant, she claimed blackface wasn’t racist. “What is racist? When I was a kid, that was okay, so long as you were dressing up as a character.” No, it was never okay. She has since apologized, but considering her long history of racism, we obviously question the sincerity. See the clip below:

How sad that she was once the highest-paid person at NBC.


‘Do Better’: Naomi Osaka Blocks Megyn ‘Blackface’ Kelly On Twitter For Trolling Her Anxiety

Naomi Osaka Is Reclaiming Her Time

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