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Here’s Proof Of How Ben Carson And HUD Failed Puerto Rico

Ben Carson‘s heartlessness is continuously obvious as the secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Now there is more info on how HUD failed Puerto Rico, which needed aide after the devastation of Hurricane Maria.

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HUD’s chief financial officer, Irv Dennis, and David Woll, the department’s principal deputy assistant secretary for community planning and development, spoke at a congressional hearing. NBC News reports they admitted before a House Appropriations subcommittee that HUD knowingly missing “a legally required deadline that would have made desperately needed hurricane relief funding available to Puerto Rico.”

The reason? They delayed the distribution of funds because of “alleged corruption,” “fiscal irregularities” and “Puerto Rico’s capacity to manage these funds” — all Ben Carson talking points, which is ironic considering the alleged corruption in the Trump administration and Carson’s capacity to manage funds at HUD — like a $31,000 dining room set.

NBC News also reports, “Rep. Katherine Clark, D-Mass., stressed that during Puerto Rico’s political unrest no indictments were issued against the island’s housing secretary, Fernando Gil-Enseñat, or the department he leads, known as Vivienda.”

Basically, they had no reason to delay funds. Furthermore, HUD issues funding notices to 18 states affected by disasters on Sept. 4 — the only one left out was Puerto Rico.

This should be no shocker from Carson. He assumes the worst from people who aren’t wealthy like him. The former doctor thinks Black men sitting on porches in Baltimore are unemployed. He hired a documented racist. He also thinks the answer to affordable housing is throwing everyone in a trailer park.

Also, this is the same person who said poor people are too comfortable in poverty and “a comfortable setting that would make somebody want to say: ‘I’ll just stay here. They will take care of me.’” He is also against affirmative action and does not  believe taxpaying American citizens, who happen to be LGBTQ, should marry.

For Carson, who is obsessed with Christianity (he has a picture of himself and Christ in his house), his behavior is far from Christ-like.


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