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Highest-Ranking Black Staffer In The White House Quit Right Before Trump Lost


Source: NICHOLAS KAMM / Getty

Question: If the captain is supposed to go down with a sinking ship, then you can’t blame any of the crew members for abandoning it, right?

Answer: It depends. You be the judge.

The highest-ranking Black staffer in the White House, who just a few months ago tried to convince America that the president should be granted four more years in office, just happened to quit his post one day before Donald Trump‘s doomed campaign for re-election pulled a Titanic after running full steam ahead into the iceberg that is Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Ja’Ron Smith, the now-former Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, said his resignation from the Trump administration had already been in the works. But the convenient timing of Smith’s resignation may prompt some folks to bat their eyelashes at such a narrative amid a grueling, drawn-out election process that took nearly a week to decide.

In what could be a telling sign of a Black man trying to desperately disassociate himself from the four-year indelible stain on American history that was the racist Trump administration, the official statement about Smith’s “planned departure” from the White House was tweeted from his personal Twitter account instead of the verified account he used as a White House staffer.


As it turned out, he worked closely with Trump’s son in law and ruthless landlord Jared Kushner — the same person responsible for the so-called Platinum Plan for Black America who played presidential liaison for the unqualified likes of Kanye West, Ice Cube and Lil Wayne, the latter of whom Smith posed with last week after the washed-up rapper’s full-throated endorsement for Trump’s re-election.

In his farewell statement, Smith touted his work on such controversial initiatives as opportunity zones, which were touted by HUD Secretary Ben Carson as being beneficial for low-income communities but were actually designed to benefit the wealthiest Americans and, as the New York Times reported, “Trump’s family members and advisers.”

Smith appeared very proud to speak at the Republican National Convention this past summer while trying to convince America that his boss wasn’t the raging racist that he’s already revealed himself to be many times over, including the week before the election when he referred to now-Vice President-Elect Harris as an “angry” Black woman.

“Every issue important to Black communities has been a priority for him,” Smith said of Trump in August. “Prison reform, rebuilding broken families, bringing jobs back to America, jobs in Cleveland, jobs in Detroit, jobs in Milwaukee.”

So then, the question becomes, why, pray tell, did Smith quit before the election results were final? Trump has already declared he was prepared to take his election fight all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, indicating the race was far from over — at least it was in the eyes of Trump supporters, which Smith characterized himself as in his farewell statement.

Bloomberg News reported that Smith, a Howard University graduate, “wasn’t dependent on Trump winning a second term, according to people familiar with the matter. He’ll be taking a job at a nonprofit in the coming weeks, they said. Smith has a growing family, with twins expected.”

This is America.


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