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Millennial Investor Aristotle Varner Provides Pathway to Options Trading

Aristotle Varner, Options Trading, Stocks, Investment, Financial Literacy

We quickly associate stocks with white men in tailored suits power walking the eight blocks of New York’s financial district known as Wall Street. But the landscape of investing is rapidly changing as more Blacks are entering into the game. 24-year-old Aristotle Varner has become the founder of Aristotle Investments and is educating the next generation in options trading.

A self-taught investor, Varner’s background is in stark contrast to his career in investments today. In 2014 Varner joined the Army at the age of 18 and thought he would be a career military man, but this soon changed when the access to information arrived.

“I saw an opportunity on my post to earn extra income by cutting hair,” says Varner. “The military barbers did not know how to cut Black hair, so I soon became the barber on the post. I began to educate myself in investing and used my barber earnings to make my first investment in the options trading market.”

A departure from the traditional form of trading, Varner believes that options trading is an opportunity everyone should have access to. “Our community has largely been under-educated in financial literacy and investments,” declares Varner. “I truly believe that if we put the work in, learn, study, and apply the practices, we can be successful investors. It can be done. You do not need a specific level of education, or experience, just the will to learn.”

In just a few years, Aristotle Investments has grown to include a best-selling book (Aristotle’s Investing Guide), an options trading group chat (Aristotle Signals and Learning), and an online trading university (AMUU). With the support of his wife, who handles aspects of the business behind the scenes, Varner has accrued over 50,000 followers invested in his method.

“Aristotle Signals offers people the flexibility to trade on the go,” says Varner. “The group chat, which has generated positive returns for its members, provides detailed insight into a watch-list of stocks before the market opens. No matter where you are you can make informed decisions.”

Varner represents the new face of young successful traders who are finding new ways to enter into stock market investing. His transparency, genuine approach, and consistency with followers and students is what sets him apart.

“There are many that are skeptical, and initially believe that being a successful options trader is not possible. I tell everyone that this is not a get-rich-quick opportunity. This is an opportunity to become educated in options trading, apply your learnings, and invest in the market. You have to put in the time and work to become successful at this just like anything else.”

To learn more about Aristotle Varner’s Investment course offerings and insights, connect with him at @Aristotle_investments on social media.

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