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Movement To Expel Marjorie Taylor Greene From Congress Gains Steam As Rep. Cori Bush Moves Her Office Farther Away

Cori Bush and Marjorie Taylor Greene

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The popular phrase “protect Black women” was put into practice Friday when Missouri Rep. Cori Bush announced she was moving her office to be farther away from her fellow freshman Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, the QAnon conspiracy theorist from Georgia who is accused of helping to incite the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol earlier this month.

It was the latest move in the growing movement to have Taylor Greene expelled from Congress for what’s being called her “advocacy for extremism and sedition.”

Bush said Friday on social media and in a statement that her decision to relocate her office in the House Longworth Office Building came after “A maskless Marjorie Taylor Greene & her staff berated me in a hallway. She targeted me & others on social media. I’m moving my office away from hers for my team’s safety.”

Bush’s tweet was accompanied by a reminder that she “called for the expulsion of members who incited the insurrection from Day 1” and urged her fellow members of Congress to vote on the resolution to remove her from the U.S. House of Representatives.

That wasn’t the first time a maskless Tayor Greene approached Bush, either, said the upstart politician from St. Louis who rose to prominence as an activist and organizer in the wake of the uprising in Ferguson, Missouri. Bush said Taylor Greene approached her “loud and unmasked” around the same time that a growing number of Congressmembers were announcing they had contracted the coronavirus “after being locked down with [Taylor Greene] during the attempted Capitol coup on Jan. 6. (That’s the same so-called “safe room” that Massachusetts Rep. Ayanna Pressley refused to stay in because it “included treasonous, white supremacist, anti masker Members of Congress who incited the [Capitol coup] in the first place.”)

Bush said when she “called out” to Taylor Greene to put hers on, she was inexplicably told by the Georgia Congresswoman’s staff: “Stop inciting violence with Black Lives Matter.” (Taylor Greene has in the past compared BLM to the KKK.)

That wasnt the last confrontation between the two of them. Taylor Greene tweeted without proof on the Martin Luther King Jr. federal holiday that Bush “led the mob that called for the rape, murder, and burning of the home of Patty and Mark McCloskey,” the St. Louis couple who pulled guns on peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters marching through their neighborhood back in June.

Bush said that claim is a conspiracy theory and a lie intended to make her a target of Taylor Greene’s hundreds of thousands of social media followers.

Taylor Greene responded Friday to the calls for her expulsion from Congress by tweeting out a statement “to the radical, left-wing Democrat mob … trying to take me out.”

The movement to expel Taylor Greene from Congress was growing even before Bush’s series of tweets Friday.

A troubling video emerged on social media earlier this week showing Taylor Greene harassing Parkand school shooting survivor and activist David Hogg, leveling some of her conspiracy theiries at him nclusing the unfounded claim that Hogg was financed by billionaire anti-Republican donor George Soros.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi on Thursday tried to shame Republicans for not taking a stand against Taylor Greene’s reckless, Trump-sympathizing rhetoric. Among that rhetoric are comments from her pre-Congress days when she repeatedly posted on Facebook that she wanted to see certain Democrats killed. In her own words, Taylor Greene posted in 2019 that “a bullet to the head” is the quickest way to remove Pelosi from power. CNN provided a detailed breakdown of Taylor Greene’s past social media calls for political violence.

Despite all of the above, Republicans on Thursday still appointed Taylor Greene to the House Education Committee.

California Rep. Jimmy Gomez, a Democrat, announced this week his intentions to introduce a resolution to expel Taylor Greene from the House.

“As if it weren’t enough to amplify conspiracy theories that the September 11 attacks were an inside job and the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School was staged, a string of recent media reports has now confirmed that Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene had previously supported social media posts calling for political violence against the Speaker of the House, members of Congress, and former President Barack Obama,” Gomez said Wednesday in a statement. “Such advocacy for extremism and sedition not only demands her immediate expulsion from Congress.”

Gomez added later: “Her very presence in office represents a direct threat against the elected officials and staff who serve our government, and it is with their safety in mind, as well as the security of institutions and public servants across our country, that I call on my House colleagues to support my resolution to immediately remove Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene from this legislative body.”

With that said, it’s not exactly easy to expel a member of Congress. Doing so requires two-thirds of Congress to vote in favor of the expulsion, somrthing that is not guaranteed with the slim majority Democrats hold.


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