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President Biden Met With Optimistic Supporters Post-Debate

President Joe Biden participated in the first of two Presidential debates with Donald Trump June 28, in Atlanta, Georgia.

At the Hyatt Regency, a few minutes from the CNN building, Biden’s supporters gathered to watch their chosen candidate spar with his political opponent. BLACK ENTERPRISE was in attendance during and after the debate. 

People of all races, genders and sexual orientations danced and chatted. A woman, whose credentials identified her as a volunteer, waited in the catered buffet line and lamented her disdain for Biden’s political opponent. 

“I can not deal with another four years of the orange man. He will harm this country.” 

The chatter of former President Trump’s perceived faults was abundant.

 “We have to secure the Supreme Court,” another volunteer stated. Those gathered were rewarded for their contributions to the campaign with a post-presidential debate appearance by President Biden.

Entering the venue, President and First Lady Biden smiled and waved to an enthusiastic crowd, chanting, “Four more years.”

The audience wasn’t deterred by what some claim was an abysmal performance by Biden. The crowd chanted, “We need you,” as President Biden expressed his gratitude for their support. Unlike the claims of incoherence during the debate, Biden’s post-debate message was clarified.

“You are the reason America is as good as we are. We are the finest damn nation in the whole wide world,” Biden said.

The crowd waved Biden signs of all kinds as they cheered for what they believe is the best candidate to run the United States for the next four years. Biden’s signature aviator shades, as well as his face, were made into cardboard cutouts that waved in the air as the crowd – filled with diversity – line-danced individually and in groups. 

While the joy of the moment was felt, the dawning of a new day led to varying analyses. In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Vice President Harris urges Americans to judge not only “a 90-minute performance” but also the performance of the administration as a whole. The VP’s sentiments suggest Biden’s performance is not being perceived in a positive light. 

In the first of two debates, Biden still has an opportunity to garner support from not only his loyalists but also many Americans who have yet to decide who they will cast their vote for come November. The next five months on the campaign trail will be vital to either candidate’s victory. 

RELATED CONTENT: First Biden-Trump Debate Highlights Voters’ Concerns as Biden Struggles

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