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Trump Says ‘Very Bad Drug Dealers’ Are Trying To Come From The Bahamas After Hurricane Dorian

Hurricane Dorian has destroyed the Bahamas and there are evacuees trying to escape the devastation. However, President Donald Trump is using his racist immigration policies from people who are trying come here legally. Now he is labeling them as “very bad people” and “drug dealers.”

READ MORE: 7-Year-Old Donates Birthday Money To Dorian Evacuees

At a press conference, he spat, “We have to be very careful. Everyone needs totally proper documentation. I don’t want to allow people who weren’t supposed to be in the Bahamas to come into the United States, including some very bad people,” the president told reporters at the White House. Look, the Bahamas had some tremendous problems with people going to the Bahamas that weren’t supposed to be there.”

He also added the island has “very bad people and some very bad gang members and some very, very bad drug dealers.”

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According to Nation Master, the murder rate in the U.S. 138 times higher than the Bahamas. The rape rate is 20 percent higher in the U.S. than the Bahamas. Drug use is also 2 times higher in the U.S. than the Bahamas.

Brian Entin, a reporter for Miami news outlet 7 News WSVN, tweeted videos showing some of the evacuees and the problems they were facing.

Big problems on the ferry from Freeport to Florida — announcement just made that any Bahamian without a visa must now get off,” Entin tweeted Sunday evening. “This is not normal. Nornally (sic) Bahamians can travel to USA with passport and a printout of their police record. This is a mess.”

Another evacuee with an infant was also turned away.

The Sun Sentinal reported that nearly 1,000 evacuees lined up Friday in Freeport hoping “to return back to the U.S. with a cruise ship that had just arrived and was planning to leave for Palm Beach later that night with 1,500 precious seats.”

Bahamas Paradise, the company that owns the ship, said “it would evacuate Bahamian residents who had ‘proper documentation.’ On Friday, a spokeswoman for a public relations firm in Fort Lauderdale, working on behalf of the cruise line, said that would mean a valid visa and passport, but could also include a police report and a photo identification.”


As of Friday, “the federal government had yet to comment on the status of whether Bahamian residents who wish to flee the islands will be allowed into the United States to stay with any family they may have,” according to the Sun Sentinal.

Our thoughts go out to everyone affected by Hurricane Dorian.


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